

"I tried it without the training video. Nothing was happening my Yorkshire Terrier (Dutchess) would just sit there staring at me. I watched the video and it made it easier. After a couple of days she was using the Bark Potty on her own!" -Kim W. 

Bark Potty is designed to be the most automatic dog potty solution. The natural smell of the bark entices dogs to “go”. Many dogs just “get it” and use it right away! More often than not, dogs that don’t “get it” quickly just need a little training to get them used to it! Check out this helpful dog potty pad training video for extra guidance:

Still need help after watching the video? Schedule a FREE training call HERE! 

Training Is Not Hard: 

Get your dog to use Bark Potty by saying "Go Pee" and reward with praise and treats immediately upon success. We call this a "Pee-Reward Cycle." If you can get this to happen one time you can easily repeat the cycle, and a habit will be built. Don't be overwhelmed and focus only on one Pee-Reward Cycle for now.

Prepare Yourself For The Very First Use:

We've found that many dogs mark the Bark Potty (pee on it) the very first time they smell it. Don't waste the first possible moment for a successful Pee-Reward Cycle.

The Three Ingredients Of The Pee-Reward Cycle:

1. A HIDDEN Treat: It’s important to have the treat ready to be immediately given upon success, yet hidden so it does not distract.

2. A Full Bladder: Consider starting your training early in the morning so your pup’sbladder is full.

3. A "Hopeless" Dog: If your dog is hoping to be being taken on a walk they will hold it as long as possible.


Set Aside A Day For Training:

Training a stubborn dog is not hard but it may be time consuming. Seeing results can easily take a few hours and for the most stubborn dogs, it can take up to a full day to see results. Start on a weekend morning so you dog has a full bladder and begin the training process. Your persistence will pay off - be patient.

The Training Process:

Have a treat in your pocket and introduce your dog to the Bark Potty saying “go pee.” Wait a minute or so and remove the dog if he or she does not pee. Supervise the dog for 30-45 minutes to prevent an accident and then start the process again.

You want to do this a long as it takes. You need two things to happen: 1) Your dog’s bladder needs to be full. 2) Your dog needs to “give up” on the hope that you’ll break down and take them outside.

You can imagine that the items above, especially item “2,” can take many consecutive hours in some cases. Put differently, if your dog is stubborn you’ll need more than a casual hour of training.

Marking The Unit Can Accelerate The Training Process:

Dogs strongly “defend” their territory when they smell another dog. They will eradicate the other dog’s scent by peeing (marking) over the same spot. Making the unit smell like another dog has been there is powerful and easy to do!

Simply wipe the actual scent of another dog on the Bark Potty. Do this by using a slightly damp paper towel and dabbing it on surfaces where other dogs go. Place it in a plastic baggy to bring home where you will wipe/wring the scent onto the Bark Potty. The urine of other mammals will also work (you’re a mammal by the way).

Another way to get the scent of another dog is by asking friends, family, or neighbors who have dogs for their help! Ask them to wad up a paper towel into a stick and put it under their dog’s urine stream. They should put it in a ziploc bag and give it to you so that you can wipe it on the Bark Potty (do not leave the towel on the grass).

Dogs Don’t Hang Out Where They “Go” And Don’t “Go” Where They Hangout:

Don't feed your dog or let them relax on the Bark Potty. You don’t want your pup to associate the Potty with lounging or eating. However, never scold your dog while on the Bark Potty - just gently lead them off the unit. If your dog trys to eat or dig at the grass, gently dissuade that behavior and if it persists contact us so we can give you more personalized advice and tips!

Remember, just start with one Pee-Reward cycle at a time & the rest will fall into place!

Still need help potty training a stubborn dog? Schedule a FREE training call HERE! 

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