Potty Tips While Traveling With a Dog

Friday, September 23, 2022 11:30:03 AM America/Los_Angeles

Traveling with our canine companions has plenty of upsides, but it can also pose some challenges as well. All dogs respond differently to travel and this in turn can affect their potty behavior. And it’s not just nerves that impact bathroom habits–excitement can also lead to unexpected leaking or other types of potty accidents. Be prepared with these tips to keep your journey as smooth and mess free as possible! 

Photo by Egor Gordeev

Stick to Potty Routines

While you may be out and about, sticking to routines can make going potty a less stressful and confusing process for your dog. If you typically take your pup out for a walk after meals, continue to do so even when traveling. If your doggy is used to going on a pee pad, make sure to take wee wee pads with you on the trip. Familiarity not only minimizes confusion, it can go a long way in reducing travel-related anxieties. 

Anticipate Accidents and Messes

You never know when nature will come calling for your pooch. Even dogs with the most regular potty habits can go unexpectedly if they’re nervous or excited about being in a new environment. Be prepared for accidents by keeping extra poo bags and wipes on hand. While we all hope potty issues are kept to a minimum, it’s better to be prepared for messy accidents like bouts of diarrhea than not prepared at all.  Traveling with an incontinent doggo? A few additional essentials like a waterproof blanket and an easy-to-access change of clothes for you can really cut down on the stress of dealing with messes. 

Use Sprays to Guide Your Dog

Sprays aren’t just for potty training! In addition to preventing accidents at home, sprays can also be used when adjusting to a new environment. A potty training spray alerts dogs to appropriate pet potty areas, while a spray that prevents marking lets dogs know which areas aren’t appropriate. 

Pack Treats

Being in a new environment can have a surprising effect on potty habits. If you know that your fur baby tends to get nervous while traveling, a calming treat can help ease anxieties and regulate potty behaviors in the process. But even dogs who have no problem going wherever the road takes them deserve some praise and reward for being on their very best behavior! Offer treats to applaud your pup for a job well done.

Resist Scolding 

You might think that scolding your pooch is simply a clear way to communicate your expectations. But given that your dog is already undergoing a variety of new experiences while traveling, a negative response can be stressful. Not only does this add to their confusion, it can exacerbate potty-related accidents. Instead, redirect them to an appropriate potty area and use positive reinforcement whenever they’re able to go potty successfully.