Want to make your dog famous on social media?

Friday, December 20, 2019 12:57:00 PM America/Los_Angeles

We are in the age of social media. No matter where you turn, someone has their phone out and they're busy on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat or YouTube. And with the rise of social media also comes the rise of dogs becoming famous on social media! That's right. These days, many dogs have their own social media accounts with hundreds, thousands or even millions of followers. Read on to learn all about how a few famous social media dogs made their way into the spotlight -- and how you can make your dog famous too! 

Canine cuties who made it big

There's nothing like a dog. They're cute, cuddly and loyal. And some are so charismatic and photogenic that they just couldn't stay away from the social media frenzy. Check out these three pretty pooches who have made their way to the top of social media fame.

  1. Marnie. When Marnie the shih tzu was 11 years old, she was adopted from a shelter. Now a confident 15-year-old, Marnie's Instagram bio says she loves walking and parties but hates being alone. Known for her signature tongue-out pose, Marnie also loves to dress up and be carried all over New York City like the diva she is. Marnie has posted more than 1,000 pictures of herself on Instagram, and she's now amassed a whopping 1.9 million followers. Follow her adventures on Instagram @marniethedog
  2. Doug. Doug the pug has taken social media savvy to a whole new level. Doug's Instagram shows off tons of priceless selfies of him hanging out around Nashville. Doug enjoys going to music festivals, cooking and going to Taco Bell -- and he documents it all. In his Instagram bio, Doug calls himself the "king of pop culture." This could be due to the fact that he's created a coloring book and he's now a New York Times best-selling author. Put this all together and Doug the pug has more than seven million adoring fans on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. Follow his every move on Instagram @itsdougthepug
  3. Pierre. Pierre the French bulldog was a social media star from his first leap. As a nine-week-old puppy, Pierre was a scared doggie with big dreams -- of jumping off the couch. As he stood on the couch, he felt a burst of bravery and went for it! He jumps straight into the air and straight down on the ground, perfectly nailing the landing on all fours. The video is too cute you just can't miss it. In fact, nearly 200,000 people viewed it over just a few days, making Pierre the French bulldog a social media icon in his own right. Check out the adorable video here.

Is your dog the next famous pooch?

Do you have a super-cute dog? Do you want to know how to make your dog famous on social media? Simply follow these steps.

  1. Have a really cute dog. This step isn't hard because all dogs are cute in their own way!
  2. Capitalize on what makes him unique. If your dog always has his tongue out, make that what he's all about. If it looks like he's always smiling, focus on that. Don't try to draw attention to more than one thing. Keep it simple.
  3. Build your dog's brand. When making your dog famous, you have to think of him as a brand. Keep his personality the same in all photos and videos you post. People will eventually learn to trust him and come back for more.
  4. Post often and on different platforms. To build your dog's social media following, it's important to keep people interested. You can do that by posting early and often. Many people who have turned their dogs into superstars say it's best to post twice a day in multiple channels, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube.
  5. Develop marketing. If you're really dedicated to making your dog famous on social media, it can't stop at social media. Create an email address for your dog, and then put that email address on business cards, and pass those out to anyone you meet.

If you're truly dedicated to making your dog famous and you believe he has what it takes, then march on! You never know how quickly something can go viral.

Social media superstars deserve indoor dog potties

Once you've made your dog into a social media sensation, he'll probably be pretty tired! Give him a break when you offer him a great place to do his business inside. Bark Potty is a convenient, clean, natural and disposable dog potty solution. It's made of real bark, and, like real grass, it contains the natural smells that compel dogs to go potty. Dogs can easily use Bark Potty any time they like. It's perfect for indoor or outdoor use -- so you can use it in your living room, on the balcony or any place in between. As your dog urinates, the liquids drain into -- and are absorbed by -- the bark chips and other organic materials, just like with grass. The inside of each tray is lined with a special wax to contain the liquid that isn't absorbed by the bark. When you dog goes "number two," simply remove it as you would if you were walking your dog. Each unit only needs to be replaced once or twice a month, which is much easier than puppy pee pads or fake grass. To order your own Bark Potty today, simply visit BarkPotty.com. Your famous dog will bark his gratitude!