Why Is My Dog Shaking?

Monday, December 2, 2019 15:08:00 PM America/Los_Angeles

When your dog shakes, it can be scary for both of you! You probably wonder what's going on. Is he OK? Is he sick? Does he need veterinary attention? So why is my dog shaking? The truth is that dogs shake for a variety of reasons. Keep reading to learn many common reasons that dogs shake -- and what you can do about it.

Top 5 reasons dogs shake:

If you see your dog shaking, it's nothing to brush off. A dog shaking is most likely a sign that something is wrong. Here are the top five reasons that

  1. Pain or sickness. When dogs don't feel well, they often shake. This can be from many different ailments. Especially when they're nauseous, dogs can shake to try to fight off the sickness. Another common cause of tremors in dogs is a condition called distemper, which mostly occurs in puppies and adolescent dogs that haven't been fully vaccinated. Another reason dogs shake is when their anal sacs are full and it's very uncomfortable. Less common reasons for dogs shaking is due to kidney failure, brain diseases and seizure disorders.
  2. Fear, stress and anxiety. When your dog is scared or having anxiety, shaking is very common. This can be due to unfamiliar people, unknown animals, thunderstorms, going to the vet or missing you. Some dog breeds are more prone to anxiety than others, but all dogs can experience stress from time to time. In addition to shaking, fearful dogs might pant, chew on furniture, hide or growl.
  3. Poisoning. When dogs ingest something poisonous -- such as chocolate, cigarettes, chewing gum, some plants and many more -- they often shake as a result. This shaking can range from small tremors to severe convulsions.
  4. Old age. As dogs get older, some can develop tremors in their legs. Even though this shaking usually doesn't affect your dog's moving or walking, it can be a sign that he's in pain.
  5. Too cold. The last reason your dog might shake is that he's just too cold! When he can't regulate his body temperature, he'll shake to try to get more comfortable. Try not to expose your dog to cold water or cold conditions.

No matter what's causing your dog to shake, it's important that you take it seriously. If you notice him shaking -- a little or a lot -- be sure to see your veterinarian. It could be something small such as simple aging, but it could also be something more serious such as kidney failure. When it comes to your dog's health, you can never be too careful.

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