Recreating the Outdoors Inside for your Dog's Potty Training

Friday, March 13, 2020 14:46:00 PM America/Los_Angeles

Dogs have an easier time doing their business when they have a natural environment to do it in. However, many people don’t live in areas that allow for natural potty training. Potty training can become a challenge for new puppies and senior dogs alike. Here is a look at creating a natural pet potty environment inside your home or apartment to facilitate a natural potty training process. 

Creating a Natural Indoor Potty for Dogs 

What makes an indoor dog potty “natural?” Generally, the more green and outdoor-scented an area, the more natural that area. You can help your dog become used to thinking of those attributes as natural by finding them outside whenever possible. Nevertheless, recreating those attributes indoors can sometimes present a challenge.

Other potty training options exist, including laying down newspaper, using a dog pee pad, or using artificial grass. You may notice that while some of these options are okay for some, but they don’t all exactly speak to a natural environment. Some of these options are decidedly unnatural. All of these options leave a mess, a terrible smell, and require maintenance. Those things can become incredibly bad if you have a smaller space to work with. A natural environment helps with dog potty training, but it also helps with keeping your indoors smelling fresh and clean. Hygiene and cleanliness are just as important as potty training. Housebreaking isn’t just about your pet. The process is key for acclimating everyone in the household. This means a natural solution should work for everyone involved. In addition, some of these options (especially pee pads) lead to unrecyclable waste, which is about as unnatural as you can get. Layered indoor dog potty systems can create a natural environment for potty training. Many of these solutions are advertised as a dog bathroom. The thing is, these layered solutions aren’t all the same. Many of them are no better than a cat’s litter box with some extra layering built in.

What About Fake Grass? 

Fake grass options come close to the look of natural but fall short in many important ways. These options often lack the scent and feel of natural grass, so your dog may find it hard to relate to. In addition, the unnatural smell of the materials and the urine smell can make your pretty stinky. You will have to be meticulous and very proactive in order to keep the potty clean.  

Why Bark Potty is the Best Natural Dog Potty Solution 

Of all the available options, the best natural dog potty and potty training solution is Bark Potty. After all, real bark is where dogs like to do their business outside or at a dog park, so why not bring it inside. Real bark will give your pet the smell and sensations of the outdoors. Bark Potty comes with several benefits outside of the fact that it’s a natural dog potty solution. Some of those benefits include: 

  • Dogs become accustomed to going outside easier 
  • Bark Potty traps odors Bark Potty helps keep bacteria from getting out 
  • Bark Potty is very low maintenance 
  • Bark Potty is environmentally friendly

In all these ways, Bark Potty proves itself a superior solution for those who want to replicate a natural outdoor atmosphere for indoor potty training. Not all dog grass solutions are the same. You will want a high-quality product for your dog potty and potty training endeavors. When looking for a potty solution, look for one that takes itself seriously. You’ll also want a dog potty solution you can easily and efficiently use, dispose of, and quickly replace with no hassle. With a good potty solution, your pet will take to using it that much quicker and far more often. In addition, you won’t have to worry about extravagant cleaning methods or extra deodorizing solutions for the rest of the house. A good potty solution, such as the Bark Potty, offers a mess-free and natural way for your dog to potty. All of these features create an ideal patch of outdoor heaven that your dog will want to enjoy indoors.

Photo by Maud Slaats